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Public Art Works
Just a few more commissions I've created 

    "The Flute Player"
(located in the reflecting pond at City Hall, Milpitas, CA)
    commissioned  by
   The  City of Milpitas, California

14.The Flute Player Milpitas City Hall c

This large bronze was inspired by my sister,  Mary, who was a very talented flute player in the Flathead High (Kalispell)  Band.
Small replicas are available . These are wonderfully detailed in bronze with a colored patina and a beautiful walnut base.   
These have been collected throughout the world and presented to city officials as gifts in places such as Japan and in the Philippines. and, of course,  here in the United States.

"The Little Flute Player"
Limited Edition Replica of the life-size bronze in the pond
9" tall x 10" wide

Available for casting now
$950.00 half down upon ordering
Free Shipping

The Flute Player 1.jpg

Internationally Collected!


The Mayor of Milpitas, CA, left, presenting my "Little Flute Player" to Milpitas' Sister City in Japan

Mayor Esteves presenting to Japan_edited

The Philippines

Our former Mayor of Milpitas, CA third from left,  The Honorable Jose Esteves, presenting my "Little Flute Player" to Milpitas' Sister City in Dagupan, The Philippines

commissioned by
The City of  Milpitas, California


The idea for this "larger than  a regular kid size"  commission  began in early 1999, with sketches and model making and all the "red tape" we artists go through. for a public art commission.
It was finally cast in bronze & placed at The Milpitas City Hall in 2004.  A few years later, we moved it to the new Milpitas Library to be with more children. Each child was inspired by my brother and sisters.  My models were ideas and sketches of a variety of elementary school kids at schools where I taught classes. I then named these,  John, Pam, and Susan. They are my siblings. The Flute Player, also a Milpitas commission, in the City Hall pond, is named after my sister, Mary.

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